Sunday, September 11, 2011

6 years...

A few weeks ago J and I celebrated six years of marriage. I could have sworn it was 7, but I looked at the calendar and its only 6. Weird. We aren't celebratory people so we typically don't do much for holidays or events but I really wanted to go to the Josh Groban concert and I needed a way to justify the cost...


It was a great concert. We had floor seats and we were about 40 (ish) yards from the stage but we were seriously within 10 feet of him when he was singing on his mini-middle of the floor-just him alone stage thing. We saw the sweat on his face. He is a great performer. Knowing we would be some of the younger kiddos there and the genre of music doesn't really induce screaming/jumping/mosh pit fun we weren't sure what to expect but he did a great job. It was fun and we really enjoyed our time out.

All in all six years was pretty darn good. Here's to another six or so. :)