Sunday, March 15, 2009

I guess I deserve it...

I am a cynical person. Well, my child is too much like his mother and I guess I deserve it. Lately, he has challenged me with many things. The most recent...

T: I want some more gummy bears
Me: They are all gone
T: I need to see it all gone
Me: T, they are all gone, there is no more.
T: I wanna see.

He does this with everything he wants or if he disagrees with something I tell him. He seems to always want proof. Needless to say I think his daddy has to teach both of us how to have a little more faith!


katie+brandon said...

so funny.

Bradeigh said...

Isaac used to do the same thing! We had to save the empty ice cream container, or bag of chips, or sack of M&Ms to SHOW him it was gone, or else he didn't believe us.

Jenny M said...

Maybe he's going to be a lawyer or judge! Detective?