Friday, March 6, 2009

Ahhhh Today...

So today, a good day that brought me many a laugh. I am expecting that with an *almost* two year old it will happen more often than not. This morning I was in the kitchen making a few things and T likes to hang out with me. He is big enough to open everything-the fridge, the drawers, the oven-everything. After pulling out numerous condiments from the fridge and bringing them to me and saying "dinner soon" he decided it was time to help me by unloading my drawer of kitchen utensils. At this point I wish I would have had my camera. He grabbed a spatula and said "can-cucks now" then came the tongs and he said "meat soon" and my favorite was the ice cream scoop when he said "Yummy ice cream for Ty" as he licked the scoop.

We were also able to go to the Draper Temple open house today. (No picture because I'm still learning how to take a camera with me when I go places). Well, I was hoping my child would somehow find it in him to be reverent (yeah right) and quiet (try again). I think he would have been okay but they made the mistake of having the baptismal font at the beginning of the tour. The entire tour after that my offspring kept saying "More cow water, more cow water. I want water. PEASEEEEEEE!" ('L' in please left out on purpose).


Emily W said...

He sounds like such an adorable almost 2 year old. I have decided that I really really love 2 year olds. I think it is a fabulous age. Let's get together sometime, I know the girls would love seeing him.

katie+brandon said...

hi. lar. i. ous.

Bradeigh said...

Cow water...hee hee! I love T.

Rocks In The Wash said...

Oh, just wait until he gets older!!!