Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sweet comfort

As many of you know T is not known for sleeping a lot. He stopped taking naps at about 21 months unless we run him ragged (which only happens when I wake him up early and make him run everywhere in the sun). His nights are not consistent either...sometimes sleeping 12 hours, sometimes only 9! I am very blessed that when I put him in his room he stays there but because of that, if he isnt tired he makes a mess of his room! I will find books everywhere, clothes all over the floor, crayon on the walls, etc. Last night he didnt want to go to sleep when I put him in bed and I told him that I wanted him to stay in bed. He got frustrated and said his animals were taking up too much room so he had to throw them off his bed...which he did. Later I heard him talking about "camping out." When I went to check on him he had found a new place to sleep...


Jenny M said...

What a cutie! I've got pictures of one of my kids asleep on the cedar chest at the foot of the bed (we were at Grandma's house)

Looks like he's having a fun campout!

Julie Hawks said...

He's pretty good at stripping wall paper too......I love that little guy and he can pull wall paper off my wall anyday!

Janille said...

How funny! That is a cute picture. What a good boy for staying in his room!